The WindFc dataset is appropriate for forecasting wind speed, wind direction, and wind gusts based on historical meteorological data. The WindFc dataset includes one full year of registered meteorological measurements of the following variables: Timestamp (Date/Time), WindSpeedMax (wind gust), WindDirection, AirTemperature, AirPressure, AirHumidity, Visibility, WindSpeed. The original data collection rate was one sample every minute (sample); however, later it was downsampled to one value per 5 minutes to decrease the computational load during forecasting. 

The WindFc dataset is available Free of Charge for research purposes only, thanks to the kind support of Capt. Milen Todorov, PhD, Director of the Bulgarian Port Infrastructure Company (BPIC) which owns these data. The one-year dataset (~7 MBs) is available in .csv and .xlsx formats. For queries and clarifications please get in touch with Prof. T. Ganchev (Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.).