ILIAD: INTEGRATED DigitaL Framework FOR Comprehensive MARITIME DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICES, funded under H2020-LC-GD-2020-4
ILIAD: INTEGRATED DigitaL Framework FOR Comprehensive MARITIME DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICES (02.2022-07.2025), funded under H2020-LC-GD-2020-4
The ILIAD project aims to establish an interoperable, data-intensive, cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO). It capitalizes on the explosion of new data provided by many different Earth sources and advanced computing infrastructures (cloud computing, HPC, Internet of Things, Big Data, social networking, and more) in an inclusive, virtual/augmented, and engaging fashion to address all Earth Data challenges. It will contribute toward a sustainable ocean economy defined by the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Ocean, a global, multistakeholder cooperation hub. The enabling technology of the ILIAD DTO will contribute to the implementation of the EU’s Green Deal and Digital Strategy and the achievement of the UN Ocean Decade's outcomes and Sustainable Development Goals. To realize its potential, ILIAD DTO will follow the System of Systems approach, integrating all existing EU Earth Observing and Modelling Digital Infrastructures and Facilities.
Further details are available on the project website:
SMASH: Machine learning for Sciences and Humanities, funded under Horizon Europe MSCA
SMASH: Machine learning for Sciences and Humanities, (01.07.2023-30.06.2028), co-funded under HORIZON-MSCA-2021-COFUND-01
SMASH is a 10 M€ 60-month project coordinated by the University of Nova Gorica. TU-Varna participates in SMASH with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the SigNautic Laboratory “Research of Underwater Noises, Signals and Vibrations of Marine Vessels and Equipment”.
Based on contemporary machine learning and artificial intelligence methods, the TU-Varna team will study animal communication with a particular focus on dolphins. Our team is responsible for the data collection activities and developing AI tools for dolphin signal analysis and recognition. The University of Nova Gorica and TU-Varna will carry out research on understanding the structure and properties of bottlenose dolphin communication. Festa Dolphinarium Ltd., Varna, will support these activities.
Further information is available at the SMASH project website
CloudEARTHi: Innovation capacity building for the use of Big Data in Environmental Sciences, Sustainability and Circular Economy in HEIs and their entrepreneurial ecosystems.
CloudEARTHi: Innovation capacity building for the use of Big Data in Environmental Sciences, Sustainability and Circular Economy in HEIs and their entrepreneurial ecosystems.
The CloudEARTHi project is a 1.2 ME project (2021-2023) cofounded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).
The central vision for the CloudEARTHi project is to develop & build capacity for innovation across High Education Institutes (HEIs), students & businesses in the area of big data, environmental science, sustainability & circular economy, which will ultimately benefit society. The consortium views the IVAP (Innovation Vision Action Plan) as a starting point for long-term collaboration between our institutions, with a vision to be the driving force to increase innovation in this area. The role of TU-Varna is to develop a Digital Educational Hub and to offer training courses and career advancement opportunities in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, and their applications.
Further details are available on the project website:
KnoWat: BG14MFOP001-6.004-0003-C01: Enhancing knowledge about the state of the aquatic environment in Lake Varna
BG14MFOP001-6.004-0003-C01: Enhancing knowledge about the state of the aquatic environment in Lake Varna (01.2021 – 10.2022), funded by the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Program 2014-2020
The KnoWat project aims at implementing measures to improve the state of the marine environment and support "blue growth" in the Varna region. The set goals are related to the creation of resources, scientific knowledge, recommendations for actions and good practices that would help improve the condition of Lake Varna and the services that the lake offers to businesses and citizens in the Varna region. For that purpose, the project will evaluate the pollution composition at two regions of the Varna Lake silt and water, and will check for the availability of heavy metals, petroleum products, etc. Based on the collected data, the project will study various scenarios for situation development in Lake Varna, depending on the level of human intervention. These data will help for the enhancement of scientific knowledge and good practices to support activities related to improving the marine environment.
Further details are available on the project website:
iHMi: Investigation on Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction Interfaces, Capable to Recognize High-Risk Emotional and Cognitive Conditions
Investigation on Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction Interfaces, Capable to Recognize High-Risk Emotional and Cognitive Conditions (12.2019 - 08.2023), funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under contract КП-06-Н37/18
The iHMI project aims to provide theoretical and methodological support for creating intelligent human-machine interfaces and the corresponding technological assistance. This will be implemented by creating resources and conceptual demonstrators of a new technological framework that will allow the automated assessment of the degree of attention, cognitive load, stress levels, and the detection of negative emotional states. In addition to the collaborative human-robot systems in the industry, in the long term, the results of this project may also support technology developers in various applied areas with social significance, including training, healthcare, high-risk professions, etc.
Further details are available on the project website:
International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications - BIA
AI Lab conceived and organized the International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications (BIA) in 2018. The first three editions of the conference: BIA-2019, BIA-2020, and BIA-2021, were held in Varna, Bulgaria.
Conference Topics include Bioelectronics and Biomedical Engineering Applications, Biosensors and Personal Sensor Networks, Healthcare Applications, Innovative Materials in Biomedical Engineering, Smart Systems, Smart Textiles, Wearable Technology and Innovations and others.
Accepted papers which comply with the IEEE standards were included in the IEEE Xplore repository and indexed in SCOPUS. The conference proceedings are available at the IEEE Xplore website: BIA-2019, BIA-2020 and BIA-2021.
NIF10: 10ИФ-02-13: Monitoring and Interpretation of Physiological States through Artificial Intelligence
10ИФ-02-13: Monitoring and Interpretation of Physiological States through Artificial Intelligence (11.2019 - 05.2021), co-funded by the Bulgarian National Innovation Fund at the Ministry of Economy, Bulgaria
The main project goal is to design and develop the technological tools needed to establish an intelligent health monitoring system that collects real-time data from various biosensors and interprets the momentous physiological state based on the acquired physiological indicators and contextual information. The core functionality is validated through two prototypical services Prototype 1 and Prototype 2, which demonstrate different technological aspects – monitoring critical physiological parameters and monitoring for the availability or absence of stress and negative emotions. The successful validation of the two functional prototypes will permit extensive data collection and serve as an essential resource for future in-depth studies. At the project end, we intend to assess the commercialization potential of the developed technology.